北区 Kita-ku

Oiran Girls Bar Tsukinohana


Shop information

Location Tel
Akabane +81-3-5939-6215
Address Opening hours
1-37-7-5F AKabane,Kita-ku 6pm-midnight
Getting there Map
JR Saikyo line to Akabane(JA15), JR Keihin-Tohoku Line to Akabane(JK38), north exit 5-minute walk A-3

You may be able to meet Oiran?

An Oiran is a high-ranked prostitute of Yoshihara Yukaku. The term is not the same as a prostitute now of course, but is more like a Geisha. An Oiran needs to be educated, to have thoroughly studied culture such as classical theatre, calligraphy, tea ceremony, Japanese poetry, koto, shamisen, igo and so on. In addition to solidly cultivating internal beauty, outward appearance is also very important. From the Edo period, they had to wear a more complex kimono than did Geisha. These days, there are no longer any Oiran, but like a Geisha, it is common that they perform arts. Oiran Girls Bar Tsukihana is a bar with an Oiran theme. Although it is not real Oiran, it is a bar where you can enjoy the performance of kimono-wearing Oiran.

All-you-can-sing Karaoke, all-you-can-drink and handmade dishes

Since it is a bar with the theme of Oiran, as soon as you step in the bar, you will see a space blending traditional and contemporary Japan. Traditional Kimono textiles, folding fans, shamisen, a mask of a female demon and traditional paper umbrellas are displayed. The proprietress and all of the staff wear Kimono. A variety of alcoholic are available and a karaoke system is installed. You can sing karaoke in the traditional Japanese way, which is quite unique as a girls bar. In addition to that, you can drink alcohol as much you want and you can sing karaoke as much as you want for a fixed hourly fee! You can enjoy a variety of sake and karaoke at 3000 yen per hour. The proprietress also likes cooking, making original meals every day, and offering them to customers. Her miso is also handmade.

Full of Japanese culture experience

In addition to karaoke and alcohol, in the past the proprietress used to practice shamisen and Japanese traditional dancing and she may sometimes perform. You can experience traditional Japanese games with folding fans. You might also enjoy photographing all these traditional items.

Japanese drinking experience not found in pub

All-you-can-drink service is available in Japanese pub but you cannot interact with Japanese people. But here you can talk with Japanese girls while experiencing Japan's unique drinking culture. Even though they cannot communicate in foreign languages, the staff here communicate hard with gestures and smartphone translations.