北区 Kita-ku

Malis International


Shop information

Location Tel
Komagome +81-0120-633-186
Address Opening hours
2-3-2 Showamachi,Kita-ku
Getting there Map
JR Takasaki line to Oku(JU03) 2-minute walk G-2

New Zealand, the ideal place for grape production

When it comes to wine, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, are usually thought of as the major producers. In the southern hemisphere, Chile, Argentina, South Africa, Australia are famous for their wine. In fact, New Zealand is located at almost the same latitude and has the best land and climate for grapes. Particularly the Marlborough region is perfect place for grapes, and this company handles the wine from this area. The air and water are delicious and the soil is also fertile, so the quality of the grapes produced in this area is very good. You can make wines of good quality with good grapes, as well as reducing the use of antioxidant additives. You can enjoy such a wine without worrying about the next day. This is also characteristic of the wine that is handled by this company.

In the rice fields there is duck rearing and in the vineyards lamb

Not only delicious air and water, fertile soil, but also organic farming methods can contribute to producing better grapes under the same natural conditions. The farming method is just like duck rearing with rice, and employs a method of sheep farming – there are more sheep than people in New Zealand. The sheep fertilize the field while eating the fallen grapes, weeds and insects and sheep's dung is a natural fertilizer rich in minerals and the health of the soil can be maintained with the minimum use of agri-chemicals. As a result, better grapes can be harvested and wine with minimum additives can be produced.

Beauty is from inside (wine) and outside (nourishment)

They started handling organic wine in order to seek the beauty inside and outside. In order to make people beautiful and healthy from the inside, they sell Marlborough wine, and in order to make people beautiful and healthy from the outside, they sell universal body oil called Argan oil, which on amazon has recently also been called African shea butter or Morocco golden oil. In the future, they plan to start selling high concentration formulated soap with very low molecular weight collagen and many moisturizing ingredients.